Rectangular Vase, Foliage: Ivy, Eucalyptus, Yellow Asiatic Lilies, Green Jade Roses, Pink Matsumoto Asters, White & Pink Alstroemeria, Hot Pink Mini Carnations, Yellow Button Poms.
This stunning arrangement takes fresh flowers to a new level! With yellow Asiatic lilies, pink 'Matsumoto' asters, jade roses, hot pink mini carnations, and more, this arrangement will be the highlight of any gathering. Bright and full of life, Floral Freshness is sure to bring the spring spirit into any home!
Ginger Vase, Foliage: Variegated Pittosporum, Variegated Liriope, White Lilies, Pale Green Roses , Green Button Poms , White Waxflower.
SIMPLICITY is a crisp white & green arrangement that inspires feelings of purity and peace. Show loved ones how glad you are to have them in your life. Send fresh flowers designed and delivered by EXETER FLOWER COMPANY. Call us or order now from our website!
Take Easter flowers up a notch with our Premium Designer’s Choice arrangement! Celebrate the beauty of this spring holiday with flowers that speak volumes. This stunning bouquet is the perfect way to make Easter extravagant. Send these spectacular blooms to someone you love today!
What better way to celebrate Easter than with the candy-colors of springtime? Think you're too old for an Easter basket? Think again! Order a lush basket of Easter flowers from EXETER FLOWER COMPANY for yourself or any bunny who needs a little pick-me-up! Whether your style is bright and cheery gerbera dasies, or powdery pastel lilies, this Exeter florist has you covered!